The ability to observe in a whole new way is one of the things I hear the most from students when they begin art classes with me.
To get out of your own way, and to get out of your own head, and out of your “ thinking mind” and into being very present with whatever is in front of you, allows you to see and appreciate so much more of the world around you.
This different way of seeing is also an opportunity to settle within ourselves, and notice presence, and to listen to that small still voice within. Making art is one of those activities in life that offers space and time for this kind of experience to dawn in us.
Experiencing paintings done by others can be a creative process for the viewer as well as the artist. If the painting is not overdone and leaves a lot of open space and mystery, the viewer can read in and create and dream into that painting, as the artist did. Even though our experience might be quite different from the experience the artist had, the artwork can serve the purpose of offering a creative outlet for both the viewer and the artist.