“I don’t know if seeing more deeply into forms or the forms revealing more of themselves, but when it happens it’s quite a surprise and a delight. Science has shown how the observer changes that which is being observed. Since artist are keen observers, perhaps when we observe with what I call ‘an open focus’ without preconceptions or judgments, the objects seem to open up and reveal more of themselves to us. Maybe the objects feel ‘seen’ or loved much like we do when someone really sees us or loves or gets us. The objects being observed respond to attention by blossoming, just as we do. Whatever it is, it’s not about doing something to make it happen. It’s more a matter of not doing too much but staying alert. Then the quality of beauty seems to emerge, and hopefully some of that quality emerges in the artwork as well. It’s awkward trying to talk about it. I’m trying to put words an experience beyond words.”
Elizabeth Locke